Somatic Mental Health


heal your mind through healing your body

Learn the messages of your body & improve your mental health

Affirmations, talk therapy & mindset, oh my!

These are the things we have been focusing on to improve our mental health for many years – and there is absolutely an adequate place for them


We have neglected our bodies in favor of the mind, and our body is what actually heals us from the inside out.

Somatics is understanding the felt sense of your body

The felt sense is associated with our emotions and nervous system – the two primary factors to feeling safe and secure in ourselves and surroundings.

There is wisdom deep within your body, but if the dial is always set towards “safety & protection” we can’t harness this wisdom for growth.

I help you get back in touch with your body, move out of the safety & protection mechanism that’s currently causing increased stress & burnout so you can live a life with ease and pleasure.

What is the felt sense?


The felt sense is the experience your body is having during any given situation. It can be described through sensations of the body.

Your nervous system is designed to protect and alert you to threats – this alert happens through the felt sense.

Under perceived threat, your body will tense and constrict. You may experience changes in breathing, heart rate, muscle tension, and alertness. These mechanisms are great in the moment to help you prepare to protect yourself under threat – but if not discharged once the threat is over, they can cause chronic issues and inhibit your experience with life.

The felt sense is also present during pleasant situations. Arousal of the body can be described in a negative or positive light – enjoyment, happiness, excitement vs fear, scarcity, & overwhelm. Given this understanding, if your body has been under “negative arousal” (protection mode, fight or flight, hyper-vigilance of stressors & threat) then you will likely be limited in your ability to also experience pleasure due to the underlying caution or desire to avoid any experience or arousal at all. In fact, you may subconsciously be pushing pleasures and desires away due to your limited ability to hold space in your body for the level of positive arousal you can experience before shutting down.


Somatic Mental Health Coaching Can Support You Through…


Stress, Anxiety & Depression


Body Image, Health & Fitness


Work/Life Balance, Career Goals & Focus


Motherhood & Parenting


Relationships & Intimacy

What to Expect During Coaching



  • Education about the nervous system
  • How to witness & experience your felt sense
  • Language around sensations and emotions to help you identify your experience
  • Awareness about your specific reactions and nervous system response and how to move through it to experience more peace and joy
  • Nervous system and Emotional regulation tools
  • Learn how to challenge your thoughts and beliefs and reconnect your body & mind
  • Learn how to listen to and trust your intuition
  • Uncover the messages of your body through sensations
  • Diving to the root of the issue and learning how to complete the stress cycle

You need this if…


Talk therapy has grown stagnant and is not moving the needle towards your healing anymore


You want to learn about the nervous system and how to listen to your body so you can release stuck trauma and discharge stressful energy


You *know* what’s keeping you stuck, but your body still reacts with anxiety & stress in the midst of trying to change making you feel like you aren’t improving


You are exhausted from trying all the online tricks, modalities, and systems with minimal results and are looking for individualized tools to finally achieve the outcomes you want


You want to improve your mental AND physical health without having to choose between the two

How Does This Sound?

(Results from Clients)
  • Decreased feelings of stress, anxiety & depression
  • Better management of time and emotions
  • Improved quality of sleep
  • Increased ambition for things you enjoy instead of always feeling exhausted
  • Confident parenting and improved relationships with kids
  • Ability to voice opinions in work and at home without fearĀ 
  • Feeling more relaxed and playful
  • Time for all the things you’ve been putting of (the gym, nutrition planning, vacations, side projects, etc)
  • A deeper connection to self, desires, and intuition
  • Body acceptance & body love
  • Increased energy that translates to feeling stronger in your mind & body
  • Taking up mental, emotional, and physical space instead of feeling small

“Get out of your head and into your body”

Let’s Work Together

FREE CBT Model Workbook

FREE workbook to understand the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Model and work in Somatic Practices to start healing both mind and body

Included (Investment: FREE):

  • How-To guide for using the CBT Model
  • Introduction to Somatics through naming sensations in correlation with your emotions
  • Toolkit to support this process
Learning how to use the Cognitive behavioral therapy model

Intensive Coaching Package

Private 1:1 coaching with me for 12 weeks to dive deep into healing your mental and physical health from the inside out

Included (Investment: $2K (payment plan available upon request)):

  • 12 weekly 60-minute private coaching sessions with me
  • Unlimited texting support throughout the course of our work together
  • Resources to help support your growth

Mini Coaching Package

Need just a little boost? This mini coaching package is great to get started with tangible steps to understanding your root issues & learn basic somatic tools

Included (Investment: $333)

  • 2 bi-weekly 60-minute coaching sessions with me
  • Texting support for 1 full month
  • Option to roll-over into intensive coaching package if desired upon completion

Having Ally as my coach feels like an honor. The amount of growth I felt interpersonally in just 6 weeks was more than I had in years of therapy. I learned to reconnect with my truest self and honor my emotions. Learning how to open my heart and listen to my intuition was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I have learned to have grace with myself and communicate my needs in all areas of my life. My work with Ally even resulted in the ending of an unsupportive relationship and reconnecting with my high school sweetheart & I’ve never been happier! Anyone looking to meet themselves in a deep and passionate way, would be lucky to work with Ally.

-Lauren, Nurse Practitioner & Health Coach


I can honestly say my work with Ally has been life changing. As a former beauty pageant contestant I struggled for half my life with yo-yo dieting, obsessing over food, resulting in criticism of and disconnection with my body. As a result, I was missing out on all the pleasures in life for fear of gaining weight. Now, I finally feel freedom when it comes to how I view food, feel connected to my body, and am enjoy all the feminine pleasures. I no longer obsesses over carbs and calories and know how to choose foods that nourish and fuel my body. I am forever grateful for her and this program for giving me the opportunity to know how to love myself again.

-Jean, Dental Hygeinist

My work with Ally has been tremendous. I started with Ally feeling a bit depressed, lethargic, and footy brained. She allowed me to think more positively about my body, life, and journey through health and has taught me how to listen to my body and not overwork myself. She has a way of getting you to think differently and positively about the journey you are on and the potential she sees in you. She is a very genuine and warm person to work with and made my health transition easy.

-Aisha, Assistance Clinical University Professor


“I really believe that we are on this earth to have fun, enjoy our life, and make an impact. That starts with loving yourself and your body by stepping into your power to create a life in which you thrive.”

– Ally Bouchard

Free Resources to Learn More

CBT Model Workbook

Expand your awareness of self by understanding your thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Download this FREE workbook to help you get started.

Discovery Session

Not sure what’s right for you? Schedule a 15-30 minute FREE discovery session with me to experience coaching before investing, and gain my insights on what might serve you best

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