
Hi there!
I’m Ally
Coach | Wife | Working Mom of Two
6/2 Emotional Projector, Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon & Libra Rising…I live for sunny fall days, am always ready to hear a well-crafted dirty joke, and will fight to the death before I let high-waisted jeans go out of style!

Just a girl, standing in front of a camera, asking it to show her all the answers to her body’s mysteries
Once Upon A Time
I was an Exercise Physiologist working in cardiac rehabs, doctor’s offices, and clinical fitness facilities. It was everything I wanted…until it wasn’t.
I had a deep passion for the human body and helping patients find inner power through healing. What I didn’t realize was how burnt out I was getting working in an industry that didn’t seem to value the stress and mental well-being of it’s providers.
The system was broken (and still is, as many of you know) and I felt completely out of integrity not living by the standards of health I was trying to teach my patients.
I noticed that a lot of my female clients were struggling with similar issues. They had achieved everything they had worked for but weren’t feeling whole. They were struggling with a lack of energy and mental exhaustion and the changes in nutrition and exercise being suggested to them weren’t driving the results they had hoped for.
It didn’t seem fair to me that in order to achieve greatness in our career, our health had to suffer. So, in an effort to improve my own health and fill a void for my patients, I started searching new ways to help women thrive in their bodies without sacrificing their achievements in work and home life.
Then I finally found my purpose: helping women reconnect to their bodies in a way that supports their ambition & doesn’t result in burnout
Most systems within our society have been built to support male biology. As a result, none of us are taught what female physiology actually requires in order to thrive.
The TL;DR version is that female bodies need more rest, flow, and support through community than male bodies. We even work on a totally different energetic timeline than men simply because we have a menstrual cycle.
I started experimenting with cycle syncing, intuitive eating & intuitive exercise. I dove head first into understanding my nervous system and stress responses as well as psychology, behavior change, women’s intuition, and energetics. The more I supported each of these areas as my intuition guided me to (this is key, ladies), the more my whole life improved.
I’m not gonna lie, it’s hard work. I’ve had to face my shadow, uncover and heal internal wounds and thought patterns, and make difficult decisions. But the overall result has been the most fulfilling and alive I have felt my whole life!
At this point, I am experiencing more success in work and home life as a result of being intimately connected to my body. I have energy and clarity of mind, my relationships are thriving and I’m not experiencing constant stress, anxiety, and burnout over “doing it all” – and I can do the same for you.

Bachelors of Science in Exercise Physiology / Certified Health & Life Coach / Certified Pilates Instructor / 12 years experience working in women’s health
About Me –
the TL;DR Version
Ally is the Founder of Ally Bouchard Coaching. She lives at the intersection of science & spirituality and will throw hands if high-waisted jeans go out of style. She hopes to be known for helping feminine leaders reconnect to their bodies in a way that supports their ambition and natural physiology resulting in more energy for optimal success and impact on the world.

Super Fun
time to spill the tea
My birthday is Christmas Day. Yes, really. No, I never got jipped out of presents
My first celebrity crush was Nick Carter. BSB > *NSYNC all day
I ALWAYS win at Clue. My family says I must be cheating – I say they don’t understand the strategy of the game
I have won multiple F.R.I.E.N.D.S trivia and could recite probably every episode
If I did anything else for my career I would either be a teacher or an interior designer

Let’s get serious Now…
Magazine Quiz
What’s in your purse?Small wallet, keys, phone, wipes, mask, extra hair ties for my daughter |
Are you a spring, summer, fall, or winter girl?Fall girl! Apple picking, hot cider, halloween – #basic |
Celebrity you admireJennifer Aniston |
Favorite physical feature on menArms, hands, and jaw line |
Would you rather:-> Go back in time & talk with your ancestors <- or Go to the future and talk to your great grandchildren |
Would you rather:Have a personal maid or -> Have a personal chef <- |
Hogwarts HouseRavenclaw |
Celebrity CrushJohn Krasinski |
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